ABC Mouse is a full online curriculum resource. -- And did I forget to mention? IT IS FREE!! You will find the following document in your Wash Tech Training Folder; however, the detailed instructions and tutorials are listed below.
You will have to sign up individually on the link below.
(Special Note: These Youtube videos permissions are set only for inside the ACSD District).
How do I register and add students?
Register and Add Students (2 Min 27 Sec)
How do you Create a Class and Add Students to my Class?
How do I use ABC Mouse on the Computer Labs?
Complete a tech Request and Accept Invite **MUST WATCH** (2 Min 12 sec)
How do I have my students use ABC Mouse at home?
How Students Set up use at Home **MUST WATCH** (1 Min Sec 56)
How do I set up my IOS Device and My Computers in my Classroom?
Set up On IOS Device (IPAD) and Classroom (1 Min Sec 26)
What are some tips and Tricks?
ABC Mouse Tips and Tricks (38 sec)